Car and Truck Loans

Kelowna Car Loans

Auto Loans for BC Residents

  • Your Credit Score Doesn’t Matter in Kelowna BC
  • If You Make $2K Per Month
  • And You Have Been Working For 3 Months
  • You Can Get A Car Loan

Pick a Used Car or Truck in Surrey or Chilliwack at a great price and Have it delivered to your Door in Kelowna

Kelowna Income Qualifications

Obtaining financing is as easy as showing a minimum of $2000 gross monthly income. It’s that easy. $0 down and no payments for 6 months options are available.

Your rate of interest will depend on your credit rating. Banks will not normally deal with someone who has a bad credit rating. This means turning to an alternate lending institution willing to take on what they consider a high risk loan.

Guaranteed Auto Loans has good relations with 15 different financial institutions and is able to determine the best lender to approach for your particular financial situation be it good or bad. With 27 years of experience we can guarantee the best rate.

You can do this from the comfort of your own home and find your perfect vehicle all in under 3 minutes.