Car and Truck Loans

Prince George Car Loans

Auto Loans for BC Residents

  • All Credit Scores Accepted for a Car Loan in Prince George BC
  • Minimum requirements $2000 per month Gross income
  • Get a Used Car Delivered to Your Doorstep
  • $0 Down options available

Pick a Used Car or Truck in Vancouver at a great price and Have it delivered to your Door in Prince George

A lot of people don’t realize that they could get a lower interest rate after paying on time on a loan for over a year. Your credit score increases automatically and all you have to do is renegotiate the loan. Bankers will usually give you a lower rate if refinance the loan on a newer car. In most cases you will be paying the same or less and getting a better car. Why not fill in a pre-approval form and give it try. It is free and you have nothing to lose just finding out if it is possible.